According to the World Health Organization, every year, the estimated incidence of Down syndrome is between 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 1,100 live births worldwide.
The children with this condition, are comparatively fewer in number and different than most others of their age. While their ways of expressing themselves, interacting with the others, communicating with the community are unique, they are not deformed. Down syndrome or trisomy 21 is not an illness. There is nothing wrong with these beautiful children having extra genetic material from chromosome 21. It's true that they are not ordinary. Not common. And that's why they are "Extraordinary". Special. Gifted. They are not disabled, they are blessed with unique abilities. They are not cursed, they are pure blessings. Children who are born with trisomy 21 are individuals with feelings, rights, hearts and minds. In fact there is nothing 'down' about the Down Syndrome. These souls are innocent and they deserve complete inclusion and unconditional love like any other children. It's their birth-right to have laughter, warmth of family and friends, recognition and attention. They deserve to be inspired and encouraged to live their life with sheer joy. No one has the right to rob a child of their colorful episode of childhood and it's our duty to assure that they are all cherished and nurtured. If a child is unique and gifted, they deserve special attention, care and love not exclusion. Their difference needs to be embraced, celebrated and supported. Let us see them as more than their appearance. As humans. Individual intelligence. As hearts and souls. Let us shed off the inequality, the close mindedness and ignorance. Let us seek perfection in their differences.
Let us be aware and spread the awareness to see the light and gifts of the divine in the rare, in the different. If we make the choice to embrace the magic, only then we can be blessed and marveled by the mysterious yet beautiful unfolding of the creation. Every child is a creation of divine art, beautiful in their own magical ways. We need to understand that they can do or be anything and much more. They hold the infinite possibilities, talents and they are capable of much more. We can not pretend not to hear their heart. We can not keep depriving ourselves from the joy of loving them. They are so bright to unsee, so beautiful not to love, so precious not to admire.
Happy World DownSyndrome Awareness Day!