Your Stories
Love Reflects Through
autism autism awareness bright buddies challenge children disability family first time mom inclusion love mom mother poem story

The day he hatched, I cried in joy, I said, “Sky’s your name, my little boy. You're the best thing that’s happened to me, And I’m going to be your Mommy.” Seeing my reflection in his eyes, gave me a bit of a surprise. Because for the first time in life I understood, Feathers and wings like mine were good, But a loving heart was what I wanted to share. Could that also be seen in my child's stare? I questioned this more as Sky grew, Because whenever I said, “I love you,” All he ever answered...
The Diagnosis by Lucia Patterson
autism autism awareness bright buddies children inclusion love mother story

We sat there, I was cold and scared, terrified I would say. Her dad had no expression on his face. I had her sitting on my lap, she was so little, only a few days and she would be turning 3 years old. She was fidgeting, barely acknowledging the psychologist trying to engage her. She couldn't answer his questions, she didn't play with the toys appropriately. I nervously tried to excuse her lack of attention. He just took notes, he smiled with kindness like trying to calm us down. After an hour of evaluation, he said the words. He explained...
HOO! Sky with Non-Verbal Autism Discovers His Super Power
autism autism awareness bright buddies children inclusion story

SKY was a kind and friendly little owlet. He had soft blueish grey feathers and big, beautiful owl eyes that glowed in the dark. Sky looked like other little owls except that he was different. Sky couldn’t talk the way the other forest animals could, all he could say was “Hoo.” That was alright, because his mommy, Neblina always seemed to know what he meant and seemed to know everything about her little owl baby. Sky also didn’t eat meat the way other owls do, the texture and taste made him feel uncomfortable, so, Neblina took him foraging for fruits...
Pandemic and Autism from SKY's POV
autism autism awareness bright buddies children inclusion

Our world has been experiencing a pandemic. All of us have been living in unprecedented times of quarantine and isolation for the last couple of years. Children forced to adopt distant learning at home and once back in schools, mandated to wear masks and practice social distancing. Parents have struggled with loss of jobs or for many needing to adopt to a new way of working from home and feeling isolated from their social lives. We have all felt the loss of heartfelt hugs with friends and firm handshakes with strangers; even turning away instead of saying “bless...
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